Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dominionism, Chris Hedges, Bankers, Corporations, and the U.S. Federal Gubbament

20% of American Christians think the 2nd coming's gonna happen within their lifetime (1) or, depending on the poll, 2007 (25%, couldn't' find the original AP/AOL poll; seems it's been taken if you know where lemme know.)

Chris Hedges paints convincingly that sector of modern u.s. Christianity best termed "Dominionist" as genocidal fascism.

But the bankers have control, basically; at best, the rank stupidity of my fellow countrymen simply leaves the money masters freer

If the federal gubbament be the only entity powerful and cohesive enough to possibly restrain the power of transnational corporations but the dominionists seek the limiting of federal power to military matters i.e. crusades, then the dominionists must think to infect every corporation to the end of using them to spread the faith, so to speak.

Since it's fairly clear that the u.s. military industrial complex does what it does for profit,…

Bankers make money off MICom

Domi’s seek military only federal role

Domi’s seek total genocide

MICom designed for genocide

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Info, environmental & health

Anogenital Distance: self-explanatory/unsubtle. I gawked simply because I couldn't believe a measure existed for such a...characteristic. (

Polypropylene Plasticizers: phthalates (estrogen mimics, substitute the acidic protons on the phthalic acid above) are used occasionally, but not in GLAD Ware, apparently. That's nice since I don't want to haul around glass or ceramic storage containers, on my bike, to and from wül.
(Got this from but the quote is unverifiable)

Nonetheless, propylene monomer comes from petroleum so it sucks.

% of Us Living in Low-Elevation Coastal Areas: ~10% - 600M i.e. barely a start. (